How was your Halloween going on?

Traditionally known as All Hallows’ Evening, Halloween 2019 falled on Thursday, October 31. It is always held on the eve of the Christian festival of All Saints’ Day on November 1, and marks the start of the three-day observance of Allhallowtide which ends with All Souls’ Day on November 2.


So the celebration lasts 3 days normally. In the meantime, it is inevitable that driving for a long time to major festivals. However, while celebrating the festive season, we also need to  consider the maintenance of car, especially the various states of the car battery in the low temperature environment in winter.


Our new product, CAT-100, not only quickly and accurately measures the actual cold start ampere capability of the battery when the vehicle is started, the health of the battery itself, but also the battery charge.


It’ll help you prevent vehicle breakdowns and maximize the performance of your battery by giving you valuable, easy to understand information about the state of your battery’s health and charge.


How was your Halloween going on?


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