Winter Car Maintenance – Check The Antifreeze

Winter car maintenance can not be ignored for antifreeze. We all know that the function of antifreeze is cooling and antifreeze. Especially in cold regions of minus tens of degrees, the requirements for antifreeze are higher, so we need to choose low temperature resistant. Antifreeze products, if your antifreeze is not able to withstand low temperatures, it will not be able to dissipate heat to the engine if it freezes. If the engine temperature is high, the car may be scrapped and dangerous may catch fire.

Today, about 95% of the world’s antifreeze is a water-based antifreeze for ethylene glycol. Compared with tap water, the most prominent feature is antifreeze, but water cannot be. At the same time, ethylene glycol has a high boiling point, low volatility, moderate viscosity and small change with temperature, and good thermal stability. Therefore, the glycol type antifreeze is an ideal coolant.

As a car owner, it is necessary to check the car antifreeze regularly. Our product Portable ATC Refractometer can measure the proportion of antifreeze and freezing of glass cleaner, lead-acid battery electrolyte.

Early detection of weak components can save you time, money and inconvenience.

Winter Car Maintenance - Check The Antifreeze



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